Numbers 1-10 Posters, Worksheets and Memory Game

We have been working on number vocabulary with my ESL class. I found myself in a need for some engaging resources. As a result I decided to create my own set of printable activities, focusing on this skill.
You will find some FREE printables and some paid resources throughout this post that will make it easy to teach numbers in your classroom.
I believe that one of the keys to teaching numbers is picture support. Therefore, I made number posters for each number up to ten, that I can use to teach numbers to my students.
First I made the posters in full color...

Then printing it I realized that it will use too much ink and made another set with white background, which helps save money!

This number posters set helps students connect numbers 1-10 with ten frames, tally marks, words, objects (pencils), fingers and dices.

After introducing and learning the number words, we need lots of practice. Practice doesn't have to be boring though. One of my favorite ways to practice new vocabulary is with memory cards. We used these cards to work on matching up words and numbers. Then students can play memory game as a whole group, small groups or in pairs. I love this game because students already know how to play. Pick one card read the number and then find it's match. Literally, that's it.

I also created worksheets that assist my students to recognize, read and write numbers 1-10. These worksheets are essential when I want them to work on spelling.
This is an easy to follow set of worksheets. Students have to read, color, trace, write and find the numbers. I use these worksheets while working with the entire class to make some colorful posters for our classroom. But I have them in my fast finishers corner, too.

Here is my first freebie, my kids favorite cut and paste activity, a must have worksheet in my classroom. Just click HERE or on the image bellow if you are interested in adding this cut and paste activity to your classroom.

Number Cut and Paste Activities

Another additional worksheet is a graphing activity. This one I use with my fast finishers, because it is highly engaging and great if you want to review previously learned skills. Children have to look at the words and color in the bar graph to show how many of each number words can they find.

Graph the Word Worksheet

Purchase the set HERE if it is a good fit for your classroom.

Or get the FREE printable number flashcards HERE or click on the picture below.

Free Number Flashcards

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