Showing posts with label pre-reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pre-reading. Show all posts
Letter Tiles and Word Cards Freebie

Letter Tiles and Word Cards Freebie

Today I'm sharing a set of word cards and printable letter tiles.They can be used together as a cut and paste activity or separately. The letter tiles are a cheaper version of Bananagrams and Scrabble tiles. You can cut the letters and collect them in a pill organizer. And voila you are ready for word work. If you choose to make word cards (CVC words, sight words) you can use them to play any game that requires or involves word cards.  To get your free Word Cards and Letter Tiles printable click on the picture bellow. Game of the Month: Bananagrams from whatdowedoallday Matching Alphabet Beans Literacy Game from theimaginationtree  Four Ways to Use Bananagrams Tiles to Aid Letter and Word Recognition  from thisfineday And this isn't all, for more word work ideas, follow my Word Work board on Pinterest!
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Letter Learning Activity

Letter Learning Activity

  I made this Alphabet Poster in addition to my Alphabet Bottle Cap Practice for my five year old. I really don't try to push the letters, so she is at the beginning stage of learning, steel learning to recognize them. Her favorite games are matching up letters to the same one in another place, singing the Alphabet Song, arranging letters into alphabetical order. This printable covers all the activities she loves. Alphabet Poster
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Halloween Lower and Upper Case Matching Cards

Halloween Lower and Upper Case Matching Cards

I like to come up with hands on activities to practice the alphabet. Halloween upper and lower case letter cards engage children in a fun and entertaining way. These Halloween printables are guaranteed  fun and learning in one. The kiddos won't even know that they are doing work and learning. This set of alphabet cards is very low-prep. Just follow the instructions from the picture below.  I created these cards to be used in many different games. The possibilities are endless. You can use them simply by matching the upper and lower case letter cards, but you can create your own games, too.  If you have some good ideas, feel free to share them in the comment section. If you are looking for ideas to practice alphabet recognition, here are the activities I usually play with these cards. You can: -  sequencing the letters of the alphabet. - singing the ABC song - what letter comes next - what letter comes before - what letter is missing - play...
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FREE Bottle Cap Alphabet

FREE Bottle Cap Alphabet

From the time I was a kid, I am a crafty person. When I am not teaching I love being creative. I try to make something new, that's useful out of something old and unwanted . And of course, I love being able to repurpose things that wo uld oth erwise end up in the trash. Here is something new I made up the other da y.    I use these bottle cap alphabet tokens for recognizing letters, making words and developing other literacy skills. Since I am always glad to be of service, I am sharing my letter printables with you. To make bottle cap alphabet you will need: 26 or more bottle caps, Scissors Mod Podge (here is a tutorial how to make Mod Podge ) paint brush and letter printables - check out my free letter sets below Alphabet lower case Alphabet upper case I hope you feel inspired to make some of these bottle cap alphabet tokens. In case you need a worksheet to help your kiddos mastering vowels and consonants recognition, grab ...
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Word Families

Word Families

Word families are groups of words that have a common pattern or groups of letters with the same sound. The 37 most common word families in English according to Wylie and Durell are: -ack, -ain, -ake, -ale, -all, -ame, -an, -ank, -ap, -ash, -at, -ate, -aw, -ay, -eat, - ell, -est, -ice, -ick, -ide, -ight, -ill, -in, -ine, -ing, -ink, -ip, -it, -ock, -oke, - op, -ore, -ot,  -uck, -ug, -ump, -unk.    About 500 easy to read, high frequency words comes from only 37 rimes. There are a few more word families besides these recorded by Wylie and Durell : -ab, -ad, -ag, -age, -ail, , -am, -ar, -ed, -eel, -eep, -eet, -eg, -em, -en, -ent, -et, -ib, -id, -ife, -ig, -ile, -oat, -ob, -od, -og, -oil, -oo, -ood, -oof, ook, -oom, -ool, -oon, -oop, -oot, -orn, -ought, -ould, -ouse,  -out, -ow, -own,  -ub, -ud, -um, -un, -up, -us, -ut
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