Skip Counting and A Freebie

Skip Counting is a basic skill that helps with number sense, patterns, telling time, estimation, and multiplication! I am so excited to have made my first Skip Counting resources. These Woodland Animal Resources were a lot of fun to make and I look forward to making many more of them in the future! 
I created five skip counting resources so far:

1. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Clip it Cards

 2. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Picture Puzzle

 3. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Cut and Paste Worksheets

4. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Worksheets

5. FREE Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Bookmarks (You can find the FREE printable at the end of this post)

If you'd like to check it out you can click any of the pictures below.

My woodland animal theme skip counting packets include the following animals: wolf, fox, bear, hedgehog, bunny, raccoon, deer, squirrel, owl.

1. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Clip it Cards


Woodland Animals Skip Counting Clip it Cards

This set of 111 self correcting clip cards are highly engaging and motivating! Great for your students to master skip counting by 2's...3's...4's...5's...6's...7's...8's...9's...10's...11's...12's
I made my cards self-checking, which makes them PERFECT for independent work!

To make the cards you simply:
- cut around the edge,
- fold in half and
- glue.
You can laminate them if you like.

Skip Counting Self Checking Clip it Cards

Use a clothespin.
Pick the answer.
Flip the card over to check is it correct.

2. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Picture Puzzle


Woodland Animals Skip Counting Picture Puzzle

There are 10 different woodland animals picture puzzles, each color and b&w.

The children simply cut out the strips and put the pictures together by skip counting. So much fun!

You can use the b&w version as a coloring pages - Students simply cut out the puzzle strips, glue back in numerical order on construction paper according to the skip counting pattern and color the pictures.

Skip Counting Picture Puzzle

I recommend printing the color version on card stock or laminate and have students use over and over again.

Woodland Animals Skip Counting Picture Puzzle

You can use this in your math centers, as individual work, partner work, as an early finisher activity, homework.

3. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Cut and Paste Worksheets


Woodland Animals Skip Counting Cut and Paste Worksheets
This set of 9 Skip Counting Cut and Paste Worksheets is a cheaper version of my Skip Counting Picture Puzzle. 
The children simply cut and paste the number tiles in the correct order.

Skip Counting Cut and Paste Worksheets

4. Woodland Forest Animals Skip Counting Worksheets


Woodland Animals Skip Counting Worksheets

This is a print and go to teach type of resource.  Plus, ALL of your students will be learning and having fun at their own level since it is already differentiated for you.

Skip Counting Worksheets

Skip Counting Worksheets

 Answer key included!

Answer Key

I wanted to share a freebie that I created to go with my Woodland Animals Skip Counting Resources.

Subscribe to my newsletter to download your FREE Skip Counting Bookmarks.

FREE Skip Counting Bookmarks

Well, that's it! What do you think? Which one is your favorite?


  1. Hi Ana ! I love your bookmarks and Im so glad I discovered your blog. I subscribed to your Newsletter to get them but it's not working :/ Can you tell how how I can get the counting Bookmarks? Thank you! Great work !

    1. Hi, glad you like my bookmarks :) I hope I can help you downloading. Follow the google drive link from the sign up: subscription confirmed email. You will find my freebies there. If you have any question feel free to ask.

    2. Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download Now

      >>>>> Download Full

      Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK q4

  2. Hi, love the bookmarks! I have subscribed but can not download them. How do I do?
    Best regards Teacher Mari Ledin

    1. Follow the google drive link from the sign up: subscription confirmed email. You will find my freebies there. If you still have problems, send me an email to, and I'll send the download link to you.

  3. I’d love to get your skip counting bookmarks! Not seeing how to subscribe though!

  4. Hi, I have subscribed and cannot find the the skip counting bookmarks anywhere

  5. Hi! I've sent the bookmarks to your email. I suppose you didn't received the signup mail, there is a link to all of my free stuff.

  6. I really want these skip counting bookmarks? How do i subscribe!?

  7. In case you've missed the signup popup window, you can use this link from the top menu:

  8. i subscribe and it did not download

  9. hi there! I've just subscribed :) can you please send me the skip counting bookmarks?

  10. Hi not sure where I subscribe. No box has popped up.

    1. You can find it here:

  11. Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Km Classroom: Skip Counting And A Bie >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK


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