Telling Time CRAFT

This hands on activity help your kids master:

- time to the hour

- time to the half hour

- quarter past the hour

- quarter to the hour.

 When your students finish this activity you will get great artwork to display.

This resource is a cut and paste activity. Students have to read the time, cut them out, color them, and paste them under the proper clock.

Helps to meet common core standards:

CCSS.Math.Content.1.MD.B.3 - Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.

Telling Time to the Hour CRAFT

Telling Time to the Half Hour CRAFT

Telling Time Quarter to the Hour CRAFT

Telling Time Quarter past the Hour CRAFT


These Telling Time Cut and Paste Activity Packets are available in my store separately and in this bundle:


Telling Time to the Hour, Half Hour, Quarter to, Quarter past the Hour CRAFT




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