Ice Cream Math Number recognition

Number recognition ice cream game is a great practice for all beginner math learners. It is a fun hands on activity that keeps kids engaged.  My children like to eat and talk about ice creams, so they LOVED this matching game.
 Simply, print  the cones and scoops on colored sheets of paper.

Ice cream math center printables

It takes time to cut the cones and scoops apart, but it is certainly worthwhile. Learning to count is fun for your kiddos, with this counting game. It is a really easy way for kids to improve their counting skills.

Ice cream math center printables

Children build ice cream cones for each number by adding the matching scoops.

Number recognition hands on activity

Math center ice cream game

I made seven different types of  scoops, with seven different ways to show a number:

1. Ten frame
ten frame

 2. Dice


 3. Objects (pencils)
counting 1-10

4. Tally marks
tally marks
 5. Numerically

numbers 1-10 practice

6. Number words
number words

7. Fingers
fingers counting 1-10

You can also use this printable to create a group of colorful ice cream cones that visually represents each number. 
If you haven't got time to cut out another 55 empty scoops, turn the cards you have upside-down, and voila, the cards are ready to play.   

kindergarten math

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